“To me, life without veal stock, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demi-glace, or even stinky cheese is a life not worth living.” – Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential
We’ve always admired professional chefs. Our absolute favourite was Anthony Bourdain whose influence continues to resonate with me to this day. Who thought that “mise en place” could be so important to success in the kitchen? Or who pondered how anything raw and slimy could taste fantastic? Beef cheeks you say, let’s go for it! He was one of the first to open our minds to the endless possibilities of food and he (and many others) continues to inspire both our cooking and traveling experiences.
Much of our cooking philosophy comes from Anthony – and other chefs like him. Simply put, it’s that the combination of the freshest ingredients, a bit of imagination, and the right cooking tools and knowledge can lead to amazing dishes. We are firm believers in the idea that anyone can be true “chef” and feel that all it takes is a little inspiration.
We have always taken pride in preparing a great steak on the BBQ, but more recently we’ve started to gain an appreciation for not just the cooking, but the experience itself.
We hope that this blog will help to provide some of that inspiration through regular recipe posts, chef tips, and sharing of our culinary adventures.

The world of food has never been more exciting and we’re happy to be able to experience it with our foodie followers.
Recipes, and More
One of the primary focuses of Foodie Foray will be to share some of our favourite recipes. Over the years we’ve had the opportunity to enjoy some amazing dishes, and we’d be remiss if we didn’t pass these along to our foodie followers. We’ve organized our recipes into easy to find sections and will be publishing new menu options on a weekly basis.
Check back often or follow us on social media for all the latest updates.
Or head over to our Pinterest page for even more recipe inspiration.
Recipe Search
Use our embedded search tool to look for a specific recipe in our collection.